Thursday, April 12, 2018

Language and Immigration

  1. the idea of a homogeneous Hispanic/Asian community which refuses to learn English
  2. the belittling of non-Castilian varieties of Spanish
  3. the labeling of second generation bilinguals as semi- or alinguals
  4. OFF-WHITES (Ambiguous)
Media portrayals:
  1. Latinos
    1. violent
    2. explosive tempers
    3. gang members
    4. pimps
    5. drug dealers
    6. prostitutes
  2. Asaians
    1. males
      1. tricky
      2. surreptitious
      3. determined
    2. females
      1. submissive
      2. beautiful
      3. delicate, needing male direction
    3. Good Asian Male: (change)
      1. unobtrusive
      2. well behaved
      3. smart
      4. industrious 
      5. successful (exhibiting cultural values conducive to socio-economic success)
  3. Muslims/Arabs????
    1. terrorists?
    2. radical Islamist's
    3. misogynists
Policy Reactions and Dealing with Immigrants:
We view the world as being composed of MONOLINGUAL NATIONS composed of uncontested , identifiable groups which are natural not only MONOLINGUAL, but also MONO-CULTURAL, so language is associated with nation. This creates an US versus THEM mentality
  • Accent Reduction
  • Associating language with RACE (Asians, Hispanics)
  • English Only movements
  • Resentment of "rudeness"
    • QUESTION: Is it rude to speak English in front of those who don't understand it? ---English speakers that claim to feel excluded believe that he/she is reasonable in expecting everyone to accommodate to her/him. ENTITLEMENT
    • Never have their racial embodiment questioned publicly
      • Immigrants have COME OVER HERE (immigrated)
      • Immigrants take our jobs and money (others)
      • immigrants do not have the grace to learn our language-suggests their lack of commitment to the American Way of Life. AMERICAN=ENGLISH

Discriminatory laws against Spanish sample page 265
Discrimnatory acts against Asians:
  • Asian Exclusion Act of WWII
  • Japanese internment camps in the US
    • ching chong bing bong
    • not understandable
    • media and childrens cartoon
    • schoolyard chants (also Jews, Blacks, etc)

Education Laws in the Southwest
  • linguistic hyper-segregation in Arizona schools
  • HR2083 passed in 2000, forbid any language other than English to be used in the public schools
  • Tom Horne and the anti-Latino Ethnic Studies movement
  • SPANISH ONLY (page 274-275)?
Perpetual Foreigner Syndrome: The Asians
    • Push and Pull
    • target smaller nations to dominate politically and economically  and socially.
    • warehouse of goods and services in the colonies

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